Available to central air conditioning (AC) loads and/or hard-wired room air conditioners that are connected to an approved load control device. 在控制期内,空调循环开、关. The cycling control strategy assures that the air conditioning load will be off for approximately 15 minutes out of every 30 minutes during the control period. 这只能保证多样化需求的部分减少. The cycling strategy can be applied to central air conditioning or air source heat pumps. Great River Energy may interrupt these loads for up to 6 hours per day and 200 hours per cooling season (可以-Sep). 大河能源保留延长每日控制期限的权利, 但只有在极端条件下才会这样做.
An interruptible water heating system has sufficient storage capacity to supply the user’s hot water needs over an extended period during which the electric supply is interrupted. 符合要求的最低储存容量是80加仑. Qualified interruptible water heaters must have an approved load control device that allows for either 4 or 8 hours of interruption per day during all months when needed. Great River Energy’s 4-hour interruptible water heating program was closed to new loads on 11月 1, 2007.
双燃料 heating systems are a combination of electric and non-electric or electric and Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) space heating. 传统的加热系统主要是电和油, 气体, LP, ETS是辅助或备用系统. 而木材备份是允许的, it is discouraged by Great River Energy because of the non-automatic nature and resultant secondary peaks created by such a combination when switched back to the primary electric system. 除了ETS支持的系统, the secondary system must be capable of heating the entire home for an extended period of time. Great River Energy may interrupt these loads up to 12 hours per day and 400 hours per heating season (Sep-可以).
An Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) water heating system has sufficient storage capacity to supply the user’s hot water needs over an extended period each day when the electric supply is interrupted by Great River Energy. 100 gallons is the minimum storage capacity recommended to qualify the water heating system as an ETS storage system. Eligible ETS水加热 systems must have an approved load control device that limits electric usage to Great River Energy’s nighttime recharge period. 这个充电期通常发生在每天CPT时间22:00到06:00. 充电可以连续8小时,也可以每天增加8小时. Great River Energy has the option of allowing up to two hours of additional recharge time each day during the mid-morning or afternoon hours, 受制于季节性大河能源控制策略. Other special provisions may apply to dairy barn and senior citizen applications.
An Electric Thermal Storage (ETS) heating system is capable of providing 100 percent of a home’s heating requirements by storing heat produced from electricity during Great River Energy’s nighttime recharge period. 这个充电期通常发生在每天CPT时间22:00到06:00. Great River Energy has the option of allowing up to two hours of additional recharge time each day during the mid-morning or afternoon hours, 受制于季节性大河能源控制策略.
Any number of mediums can be used to store heat during off-peak periods; the most common are water and ceramic. 有三种商用存储加热配置:中央, 室内或分散, 和板. Proper sizing of an ETS空间供暖 system requires that a professional heat loss analysis be conducted.
住宅会员可为插电式电动车充电. 会员必须安装ChargeWise插座, 一个通过ChargeWise插座记录总能耗的仪表, and an approved load control device that limits electric usage to Great River Energy’s nighttime recharge period. 这个充电期通常发生在每天的23:00到07:00 CPT. Great River Energy has the option of allowing up to two hours of additional recharge time each day during the mid-morning or afternoon hours, 受制于季节性大河能源控制策略. Participation requires proof of PEV ownership and battery size for each vehicle.
适用于连接到经批准的负荷控制装置的灌溉系统. 控制灌溉系统可以是自动或手动重启. Great River Energy may interrupt these loads up to four (4) hours per day during the cooling season (可以-Sep). Great River Energy will use its best efforts to schedule irrigation control times on a consistent basis each control day; however, Great River Energy reserves the right to control irrigation systems during any time of the day.
可中断的商业和工业(C&I) Program provides Great River Energy with the ability to reduce its capacity and energy requirements during peak load conditions by interrupting all or a portion of a customer’s electrical load. Great River Energy has the right to control loads under each of the four program options for up to 300 hours per calendar year. A 30-minute advance warning prior to control is available to the customer, if requested. 商业和工业负载可以通过以下方式中断:
- 完整的可中断 – The customer agrees to completely curtail their entire electrical energy load for up to six (6) hours per occurrence.
- 部分可中断 – The customer agrees to reduce their electrical energy load to an agreed upon Predetermined Demand Level (“PDL”) measured in kilowatts (kW) for up to six (6) hours per occurrence.
The Interruptible Commercial and Industrial Program provides Great River Energy with the ability to reduce its capacity and energy requirements during peak load conditions by interrupting all or a portion of a customer’s electrical load. Great River Energy has the right to control loads under each of the four program options for up to 300 hours per calendar year. A 30-minute advance warning prior to control is available to the customer, if requested. 商业和工业负载可以通过以下方式中断:
- 完全可中断与发电机备份 – The customer agrees to transfer their entire electrical energy load to the customer-owned generator for up to ten (10) hours per occurrence.
- 部分可中断与发电机备份 – The customer agrees to transfer a portion of their electrical energy load to the customer-owned generator and reduce their electrical energy load to an agreed upon PDL measured in kilowatts (kW) for up to ten (10) hours per occurrence.
可供所有商业会员为电动车充电, 比如汽车, 高尔夫球车, 叉车, 等.它可以“24小时”运行.“会员必须有专用电路, 记录电路总能耗的仪表, and an approved load control device that limits electric usage to Great River Energy’s nighttime recharge period. 这个充电期通常发生在每天的23:00到07:00 CPT. Great River Energy has the option of allowing up to two hours of additional recharge time each day during the mid-morning or afternoon hours, 受制于季节性大河能源控制策略.